Day #366 - 8/8/08 - Completely.

Day #366 – 8/8/08 – Completely.

Day #366 - 8/8/08 - Completely.

It’s all over now.

In 365 days I have done more than I ever thought I would. This year has been a good one.

So get ready for the longest description I’ve ever written!

In the past three hundred and sixty-five days I:

-Partied my ass off.
-Had Sonic for this first time and loved it.
-Had to evacuate my house during the San Diego Wildfires.
-Made and lost friends. As sad as I was to see our friendship end, there really wasn’t anything I could do.
-Started college.
-Got my first ticket. For driving without my headlights on.
-Got closer to my best friends Heather and Doug more than I ever thought I would.
-We vandalized a street sign as a top-secret mission. Blue Falls street became “Blue Balls street” for a week.
-Dealt with a lot of homophobia.
Road-tripped to Julian for pie when we couldn’t think of anything to do that day. It was one of the best days I’ve ever had.
-Realised that I am definitely more of a morning person than a night person.
-Went through a terrible bout of depression and shared my ups and downs with all of you.
-Posted nudes without ever showing my nipples and got attacked for it.
-Gave National Novel Writing Month a shot; got a good 4,000 words into it and failed.
-Became a total Flickr addict.
-Became EXTREME.
-Got my tragus pierced with Valerie on my birthday. Mine is still infected.
-Got my collarbones pierced the day before I went to prom with Heather. Four microdermal anchors are now permanently installed in my chest. I love them, and I think what I spent on them was the best money I’ve spent all year.
-I made so many great friends here on flickr.
-Got completely over a terribly nasty breakup with a gal named Wren.
-Met a girl named Priscilla at Warped Tour. We got close fast, and I was sure I would fall in love with her. I still don’t know if I did or not. But that didn’t work out, and we’re still friends.
-Separated from Doug, my boyfriend of two years. He slipped under my gaydar. I really loved him and am so thankful for everything he has done to me. I don’t know where I’d be right now without him.
-Met Brigid right here on flickr. I took a chance and flew out to see her in Chicago. I fell crazy in love; more in love than I had ever been in my entire life and got so down when I had to say goodbye. We couldn’t keep away from eachother, and she flew out to California for Valentine’s Day. The problem was that I couldn’t handle long distance, and I was scared.
-A girl named Valerie and I became friends in our college communications class. Without realizing it, I developed feelings for her. When Brigid came out to visit me for my birthday, it became clear what I needed to do, and that was to see what would happen with Val. Brigid and I broke up on my 19th birthday and Val and I are still together. We moved in together after about three months.
-My dog Vanna passed away. She lived 18 years, 1 month, and 1 day. I still miss her terribly.
-I moved out of my parent’s house and into my own apartment. I started to love my new neighborbood.
-I dyed my hair black and cut it short because I needed the change. I learned that I am more than pink hair and that I don’t need it to be interesting. I went back to pink because that’s the colour I feel best in. And in honor of me ending this project? Heather dyed half of it purple and I absolutely love it.

And now for some stats?

Days missed: A big, fat, ZERO. But my days do seem to be numbered wrong. Day 1 on August 9 and Day 366 on August 8? I don’t really give a shit, though. I definitely have 366 consecutive self-portraits and that was my goal.
Photos featuring guest-stars: 102
Photos taken while drunk: 6
Photos where I cloned myself: 8
Days with black hair: 84
Photos where I didn’t show my face: 32
Half-face photos 17
Photos where I wasn’t wearing any clothes: 58
People I got sexy with (if you know what I mean): 5
Photostream views by the time I ended this project: 931, 758. I was hoping I’d hit a million by the time I finished!
Confessions: 70
Best year ever: check.

All in all? I learned more about myself this year than I ever have. I really grew as a person, and have started to come in to my own skin. I grew to completely love and accept myself just the way I am. I learned that it’s hard to love others if you don’t love yourself.

I fell in and out of love over and over and over again. I made the same mistakes over and over. I shared my secrets with anyone who wanted to read them. I made leaps towards independence.

And I finally finished something I started. This 365 project was the first big project of mine that I’ve actually finished. I did exactly what I set out to do. I documented every day of my life – and while it wasn’t all exactly brilliant photography, I was honest the entire way through. I gave everyone a glimpse of my real life, and a window into my big pink head.

This project was great for me. It forced me to improve as a photographer and be creative every day. I met wonderful woman through it and fell in love. I made so many great friends here, and if I had the time and money for it? I’d take a giant road trip and visit all of them. One of these days I will.

But now? It’s time for me to focus on a subject other than myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still be taking self-portraits occasionally because I love to look at myself. But now I’m ready to expand a bit. I still don’t know what my plans are.

I want to thank all of you for your support over the last 365 days. I’m so thankful for your kindness and encouragement. Your words have meant so much to me, and you all make me want to going on with photography. Thank you all for laughing with me, crying with me, and smiling with me.

I also want to thank Doug, Heather, and Valerie for never complaining when I pulled out my camera for my 365, or when we had to drive somewhere ridiculous so I could take a photo. Thanks for always humoring me when I asked you to pose, and supporting me the whole way through. I love you guys.

Thanks everyone for playing a part, no matter how big or small, in the biggest and best year of my life so far.

It’s been one hell of a ride.

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