Back in the Feezer--17.5 km, Zero Calories

Back in the Feezer–17.5 km, Zero Calories

Back in the Feezer--17.5 km, Zero Calories

I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about eighteen months now. Many people I know cannot fathom skipping a meal–I regularly go four days without eating and reap the health benefits (low insulin levels-nope, not diabetic). Today’s 17.5 km hike in the mountains was a zero calorie event. I took food just in case I accidentally spend the night in the wilds. Today’s supper will be at its regular hour. In the bag: dark chocolate, walnuts, and sultanas. Lots of energy and fat if I needed it. I didn’t…

Our ancestors seldom ate three times a day, and they sure as heck didn’t have wooly-mammoth burger drive-thru’s!

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