New here – Logging my DNP run 2-3 weeks

New here – Logging my DNP run 2-3 weeks

New here – Logging my DNP run 2-3 weeks

via WordPress

So, firstly, hello you juicy ****ers!

I am/was an obese fat guy. Fat by you guys standards and almost normal by most everyone elses. At my heaviest I was 380lbs at 6’2, no exercise and had a bit of a bacon addiction. Over the last 18 months I’ve cut down to 230 with 3 1 month diet breaks, Studies I read showed that your metabolism does slow over long periods of dieting and it ****ed me mentally, so I had a few breaks(never gained I track everything). My main goal is just to get down to 190 and not be at risk of obesity related illnesses, but the dieting is getting to me. So I’m finally caving and trying dnp. I’ve read on it for over 6 months, loved all the logs, which is why I’m doing 1. Hoping to lose 10lbs or so over 3 weeks, if I can. we’ll see.


1200-1600 kcals a day(my tdee is calculated at about 2800, by me over my month off dieting). 2 or 3 meals a day, usually broccoli and chicken or sometimes i get kinky and do cauliflower with cod or tofu. 500kcals per meal, weighed. If I do 2 meals, I’ll have a green smoothie and a protein shake and/or cucumber with a low cal vinaigrette(entire bottle is like 50 kcals)
Typically getting 150 protein and then don’t count fat/carbs, just kcals and prot.

Over the last 18 months I’ve been going to the gym semi-regularly. 2 or 3 days a week, for most weeks(sometimes work drains me), following a beginner program. I’ve made progress despite the massive cut. I’m not a gym bro, I just wanted to lessen the chances of loose skin and I honestly think its worked.

DNP dosage/first 2 days

Gonna aim for 2-3 weeks at 200mg a day. Will stop if the sides get to much, won’t ever go above 250, no matter how tempted I get. I’m a pussy, but I intend to be an alive pussy.

Day 1: I took 100mg just to check for reactions. Slight warmth in in stomach, very minor. Best sleep I’ve had in months, a solid 10 hours with no interruptions(harsh diet results in lots of water and waking to piss and yet nothing here). very odd.

Day 2(today): 200mg – I had it with spicy chicken, probably not smart, don’t feel anything. takes a few days to build up so we’ll see. Feel good, focused and excited.

These may help based on what I’ve read and as such I will take them throughout and a few days after.

Extras to lessen risks of DNP

vitc c 1000mg
vit e 400mg
omega 3 1200mg
multi vitamin
NAC 750mg
taurine 3g
electrolyte tab (calcium, magnesium, zinc)
even more water
benadryl(for rash)

Will update most days. I believe dnp can be very safe and I’m honestly shocked it hasn’t been looked at for the obesity epidemic.(a chambered cap with anti-oxidants would be a good start imo).

Currently weight 230.2
Will only weight myself a week or so after stopping dnp. don’t want to get tricked by water.

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