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Ultimately, The way I understand low carb diets to work so well at losing fat is this: When carbs are not used through exercise or normal body functions, they convert to fat. Also carbs like simple sugars spike insulin levels which just converts everything to fat. So what decreasing your carb intake significantly does is one, make sure that your not taking in excess fat. And more importantly 2, forces your body to use fat and possibly protein as primary energy sources. So by having to use fat, it increases oxidation of fats in your body, and therefore, burns straight up fat. But be aware that your body does need some level of carbs to keep working. Also much of the weight you lose while on a low carb diet can be easily gained back after you start eating carbs again. So the best plan is to decrease your carb intake when possible, make a diet you can LIVE with, not just something to lose a few pounds only to gain them backI’ve heard that it helps you to lose weight faster, but the problem is then keeping the weight off. At least 45% of the calories you take in every day should come from carbs, making a low-carb diet really unhealthy, and once you begin to eat carbs again it becomes really hard to keep the weight off because it alters your metabolism. Although this may not sound all that bad, a high-protein, low-carb diet also comes with a lot of health risks. When you cut out carbs and take in a lot of protein, you put your body at risk for things like osteoporosis, high cholesterol, and ketosis. Ketosis is a dangerous metabolic state that mimics diabetes in a sense, and can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones and even kidney failure. You need to consume at least 100 grams of carbs a day to prevent can help, but the only reason it works is because you are cutting calories by doing this, if you cut any other food group out and didnt replace it, you would also loose weight.There are theories that carbs can make you gain weight but its only if you consume too much of them. Many carbs are made from refined foods such as white bread, crisps, white pasta, cakes, scones etc which will all raise your blood sugar very quickly, then have it plummet very quickly, this will make you feel hungry as it drops. So you eat more- and its this eating more that will make you put on weight.You CAN eat carbs and loose weight, but it would be more helpful for you to eat non refined stuff such as brown rice, multigrain bread (not brown bread, brown bread is just white bread which has been dyed), whole grain pasta and staying away from sugary stuff. This will mean your blood sugar isnt rising as quickly, your body has more work to do, and you are less likely to have a massive sugar drop 20 mins later.Protein can also help- eat it with the carbs, it will help your body regested it has eaten, if you do this, then when the carbs have been used up, the body then detects its had protein and it wont give off hunger signals.Good quality fats (non saturates) can also help, they will help your body realise its been fed but at hours later rahter then straight away as the carbs tend to do.The reason you have lost weight is because as you had eatend carbs in the past, you body had stored them, this is called carb storage and once its gone, your body has no special savings of energy, it will then start to butn muscle in addition to fat, but more muscle then fat. It is not healthy. Carb storage also contains water which will also show as weight loss, but actually isnt.As you have cut the carbs like you have done, your body will be in starvation mode. It will now be working to save any food it does get as storage- yup, straight to fat. Once you start eating carbs agaon, it will be hard to stop, as when your body is in starvation mode, it will trigger an appetite thats really huge, you only notice it once you eat. The longer you leave it, the stronger it will feel. But the food will still just be stored, not used for energy, so you will continue to feel hungry and want to eat and eat and eatYou need to eat carbs, especially if your excercising or your muscles will be burnt off insted. Add some in- make it the low GI types and eat in addition to protein and a glass of water, get your body back into using them or you could risk messing up any weight loss at the sight of an ice cream.

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