Day 337/365 - Christmas Bloom

Day 337/365 – Christmas Bloom

Day 337/365 - Christmas Bloom


2008 – Day 15

I really like this shot, but I hate the concept. Its so overdone that if you were to search Flickr for "Macro Flower" you’d probably a few million hits. But I might as well add my name to the list of thousands of photographers who have attempted this and hope that maybe my work will be recognized as not as mundane as the others. But judging by the picture, I doubt that will happen.

This flower is actually a bright red, I just used a technique that Diane Varner has on her website. I also added alot of blue to this to make the flower seem purple. Overall I think it’s a very good technique when used properly, If you’re not careful you can make a picture turn some very strange, unnatural colors. I think I’ve got the hang of it all though.

Anyway, I actually got up on time today, showered, shaved (I desperatly needed it), got dressed and threw myself into the car with minutes to spare. It was really cold so I basically burried myself under a mountain of blankets while I took a quick nap on the way to school. As always that nap was rudely interrupted when my dad shook me awake in the parking lot of the school.

I was a little late for school so almost immediatly after entering the school and sitting down in Cullipher’s class, we started the test on Macbeth acts III-V that she had schedueled for today. It was open book so I think I did really well on it, although you never know with Cullipher because she is pretty tough with her grading. I hope I did well on it though.

That took up the entire class period so we went directly into Gergle’s class and started the review game. It took Kristen, Courtney and I alot longer than the rest of them because I made it a point to recite my best dead baby jokes for them, Kristen thought they were hillarious although personally I find them a little disturbing. Such as…

What’s worse than 12 dead babies nailed to 1 tree?

1 dead baby nailed to 12 trees!

Yes I know that its really nasty, but I’d like to thank (and blame) the people in the Teenage photographers group for further corrupting my mind and adding to the emense arsenal of obsenities and vulgarities that I seem to have amassed over the years.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m just as dirty as everybody else out there, I just have no idea how to contain it. It would probably be in my best intrest to learn how to do that because once I leave Waccamaw Academy, where they know and generally understand my wierdness, It’ll take while before I find anyone that even comes remotly close to understanding me.

I don’t think I give the people at WA enough credit sometimes, I mean they’ve more or less put up with me for 10 or 11 years and there’s really something to be said for that.

But moving on with the topic at hand, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet but Mr. Gergle has planned a trip up to Washington DC this weekend and we’re having trouble getting enough people to go. At the moment we have 6 people going for sure, One maybe and a lot of people who can’t go because of previous commitments. We really only need 7 people in order to cover costs although 8 would be nice. Who knows, It’s going to be a pretty fun trip if we do go, I’ve been up there with Mr. Gergle 4 times I think and I’ve enjoyed every trip but this time we’ll get to go up into the Washington Monument, and a few other things that I’ve never done before. Plus, and this is a really big plus, there should be snow on the ground by the time we get up there.

I’m fortunate enough to live in a place that very rarely gets snow, so even though I hate the prospect of freezing my ass off for 3 days in below freezing weather, It’ll be good to see some snow and realize how much I hate cold weather again. I mean Ocean Isle gets cold during the winter, it gets REALLY cold, but not as cold as it gets up there. They’re in a swamp so they get the extremes of hot and cold all year long. But I’ve got Dad’s Nautica Parka, a toboggan (t-bogan NOT Toe-bogan, why do people say it that way?) and a few other things to keep me warm. Plus if Sarah follows through on her promise to spike the coke’s that Stephanie’s boyfriend Josh will inevitably give me, then I guess that will keep me warm.

Or so I’ve heard…

The whole coke thing is actually a really funny story. Last year in May when we went to Washington I met Josh’s boyfriend for the first time and I guess he was trying to win us all over or bribe us or something because he probably bought me 10 cokes. He did the same for everyone else too. I didn’t quite get it but I wasn’t complaining, I got coke, and back then I was addicted to the stuff, although that resulted in me gaining 25 pounds and looking like a pig. But I’ve since lost the weight.

Anyway, during break I ran around trying to con people into going on the trip, no takers though. I also found out that Gergle was taking his friend Glen this time, I swear the man has an affinity for friends with one syllable names, Glen, Ted, Rob, and his wife is Deb! Who knows though, I generally like all of his friends, especially Rob, we got along really well for some reason.

Third period was really interesting because for the first time in a while Mrs. Faulk was really hard on us and made us do our work. Not that I don’t do my work, its just the other people in the class, besides Hannah, don’t really do that much.

The most interesting part of that class though was one of Ciera’s many mistakes that she made it a point of letting us know about. She’s got in trouble over the weekend, and although I’m not allowed to mention what she got in trouble for, I will say that she basically told her mom what she’d been doing wrong, when her mom didn’t know if she’d done anything. In the end, she lost her cell phone indefinitely.

So the moral of this story kids is that when your mom asks you what you’ve done wrong, you don’t incriminate yourself until you’re sure of what you’re being incriminated for. In Ciera’s case, the mom had only a slight idea of what was going on, and she made it a thousand times worse by admitting the truth.

Another thing to think about, The truth doesn’t always set you free, in fact, in most cases it lands you somewhere you didn’t want to be in the first place, Now I’m not advocating going out and lying to your parents and those around you, just don’t willingly volunteer incriminating information. Its not very smart.

Look at Marion Jones, She won several gold medals in the Olympics and was an all around great athlete but the idiot decides that this year she was going to say that she did steroids, what happens to her? She is stripped of almost every award she’s ever gotten and she gets 6 months in jail for lying to a grand jury.

All because she told the truth!

Anyway, I don’t get why she did it but that’s really not all that important, 4th period was really boring, I like math because we’re finally learning something but the woman talks so loud its difficult to focus.

But I’ll forgo the usual details on that subject and move on.

After 4th period, I said goodbye to everybody after trying to figure out if we were going to be able to go on the trip or not, we worked it out so that we only need one more person to go. That means that if Sarah decides to go, we’re defiantly going. Mom picked me up at 1 and we went to Wal-Mart where I got a new Sims game which is really awesome, and then to Subway and the grocery store.

Nothing really interesting happened there, Although we did pick up more low carb no carb crap that I could possibly stomach. I think I’ll be living off of chicken for the next week. But I’ll lose a lot of weight which is something that I desperately need to do.

But then I came home, loaded that game on my computer and played that for about 3 hours before I ate dinner, went back upstairs, downloaded a bunch of Feist and talked to Sarah and Noah about various things (I’ve mentioned a few of them in this incredibly long and drawn out writing) before I’ve finally gotten to a point where I think I can finish it.

I’m serious if you’ve read all of this please PLEASE give yourself a round of applause and a cookie, you deserve it.

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