166/365 - Low Carb?

166/365 – Low Carb?

166/365 - Low Carb?

So I am thinking about trying low carb. I have been reading some books on the topic (some borrowed, some bought).

I think the Belly Fat Cure sounds like a good first try into this new realm (new to me). It’s basically a low sugar, low carb diet. There are a bunch of blogs I have found of people having huge success on this Belly Fat plan. The premise is that you cannot eat more than 15 grams of sugar each day, and cannot eat more than 6 servings of carbs. He counts a carb serving as 20 grams. But from what I can figure out in the book, you don’t exactly get 120 grams of carbs per day. You count the servings per meal, so for example if you have an open faced sandwich on a piece of bread that is 22 grams carbs then that counts as 2 of your 6 carbs.

Has anyone done the Belly Fat Cure? Thoughts? Comments?

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