Start the New Year Right with Meal Prep

Start the New Year Right with Meal Prep

Start the New Year Right with Meal Prep

Prep Your Meals Ahead of Time

Prepping your meals in advance is the best way to ensure you stay on your bodybuilding diet plan. Most use Sunday as a day to cook all of your meals for the week ahead to cut down on cooking time during the week and allow more time to devote to training.

Buy in Bulk Whenever Possible

Buying foods such as proteins and carbohydrates in bulk is a strategy many bodybuilders use to save money and ensure they have plenty of their staple foods on hand. You’ll not only save money but also reduce trips to the grocery store.

Choose Lean Proteins

When dieting protein options are lean meats such as chicken breast and red meats. Try to opt for lean meats that are low-carb, low-fat, and high in protein. Cook most of your proteins in bulk, then portions out servings and freeze them.

Tip #1: Pick one day a week to cook all of your food. This allows you to save time each day from having to cook.

Tip #2: Cook all of the food without seasoning. While dieting calories and variables can change daily. If your food needs to be altered, it is easier to add seasonings or condiments after the fact than to have to waste food that was already pre seasoned.

Tip #3: Pre-portion and freeze meat. This will allow you to take out food for each meal and increases likelihood of you staying on diet because food is always ready.

More meal prep info at 365musclefitness…

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