My ketones seem to be in...

My ketones seem to be in…

My ketones seem to be in...

My ketones seem to be in a pretty good spot whether exogenous or liver produced. My running has improved (faster pace, no recovery, daily running).
I struggle with making dinner my final food for the day. Each day that gets a bit easier, but 8pm-10pm the snacks call to me. Particularly peanuts and chocolate chips!
Here are my numbers (26 days on keto)
Weight: Down 5.2 lbs : current weight: 128.6 lbs
BodyFat: Down 2.7% : current body fat: 9.6%
Blood Sugar: 88
Ketones: 1.0 mmol/L
Now I suspect my blood sugar is lower, but in order to avoid getting light headed during exercise I will often need a small amount of carbs (7g) is usually plenty for a 1-2 hour workout. #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #ketone #blood #ultrarunning #diet #biohacking #hflc #endurance #paleo #quantifiedself #burnfat

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4 Comments on Instagram:

5footking: Ummm wow! That’s outstanding πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘!!

millennial_keto: πŸ‘

fermentedfoodguy: I am definitely not going into acidosis only ketosis. I am doing it for the mental clarity, avoiding bonking in races and sustained energy. It works great when I stay on the diet.

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