Angry goblin

Angry goblin

Angry goblin

He sat there, motionless as Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore. Sadly he was at Hen Cloud, The Roaches and nowhere near South Dakota. The sky was stormy, the trees black against the overbearing grey. He was in a bit of a mood, a massive sulk actually, not that he would admit it. He was an angry great goblin. He looked out sideways along the hillside towards the little pixie sitting on a mossy rock amongst the trees.Eventually he could contain himself no more and with a great rumbling from within suddenly bellowed, "I want to go on holiday!!!" It could have ended there before it even really started but no, the little annoying pixie had to pipe up. "Huh, fat chance of that! Look at you! The plane will never get off the ground!" The cheeky little….ker.. Things took a turn for the worse when she added "Well you voted for it! You got what you wanted!" The tiresome know it all remoaner! Friends? Combative, bitter enemies now, more like.

He took a moment to steady himself, let his frustration fade: his blood cool, "I DID NOT vote for this! This is not what I wanted! I want a holiday over the hills and far away. And just a peaceful quiet, happy life!

It seemed the pixie had no answer to this as she thoughtfully picked at a gluey bogey that clung to the end of her forefinger having been dragged screaming and kicking from her right nostril. She was quieter when she decided to ask, "Where are you going then?"

It was a question he didn’t really want to answer. He hadn’t decided. He had no plan, just some fantasies. He simpered, "Well, probably just the usual. Sevonia again. Where fantasies really do come true". And with that some small rocks moved below where he sat sending a small cascade down the slope. Some trees nearby and shivered themselves awake, and leaned over as if to make space, as he then just rolled forward and down the hillside to the track below. He managed to maintain his momentum and kept rolling forwards down the track to the right, out into the open. There were several walkers, families with children and barking dogs coming up the gradient towards him, agog at the approaching steamroller. "Stand aside", he called ahead, Remember your social distancing! Stay safe! Hands Face Space!

They scattered as he gathered pace, accelerating down the hill, faster and faster. The spinning made him light headed….lighter and incredibly a moment later he felt himself flying, up and out over Tittesworth. Oh what a ridiculous story. Brexit balls up Who will ever believe that? And a cheeky little voice nearby said, "I told you so, but you wouldn’t listen!" As annoying and irritating as that Gina Miller woman!

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