5 Tips to a Fit Summer

5 Tips to a Fit Summer

5 Tips to a Fit Summer

5 Tips to a Fit Summer

Let’s face it…summer has arrived, the kids are out of school and family trips to the beach and poolside are in full fledge. Summer is a very easy time to get out of your normal routine and fall off the wagon! Don’t get discouraged as I am going to give you a few tips to help keep you one step ahead of the rest!

Top 5 Tips to keep you in Tip Top Shape:

1. Plan Ahead

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail

Create your healthy shopping list before your vacation

Write down your meals for the following day the night before you

Try utilizing online grocery shopping like HEB, which allows you to strategically pick the foods instead of rushing through the grocery store tossing items into the cart.

2. Stick to Fat Burning Foods

Skip the Breadline – Replace the burger or hot dog buns for lettuce wrap.

Avocados – Avocados contain mannoheptulose, a sugar that blunts insulin release and boosts calcium absorption, two functions key to fat loss.

Green Tea – Great drink to take iced to the pool and helps to curb cravings, improve mood, and is a natural fat-burner.

Sweet Potatoes – Try making sweet potato pancakes with the kids instead of a carb packed pancake. Sweet potatoes are not only low glycemic, but stimulate the release of adiponectin, which helps to mobilize fat stores and improve glucose control.

3. HIIT Workout (High Intensity Interval Training) instead of hitting the gym

HIIT workouts involve intense exercise intervals with short rest periods in between.

These allow to get a great calorie busting workout in while the kids are still asleep or even at the hotel on vacation

Pinterest is an amazing referral source for HIIT workouts!

4.Watch out for Liquid Calories

Margaritas, Mixed Drink Cocktails, and Bottled Fruity drinks all packed with large amounts of excess sugars and empty calories.

When doing spirits, replace the soda with water or ask them to make your margarita skinny, which is basically lime juice and agave nectar

Other low carb options include: White Claw,, Truly Hard, and Bon & Viv Hard Seltzer

5. Get Outside and Involve the Kids

The sun is out, so why not take a long walk with the kids or take some laps in the pool. Your routine does not have to always include the gym.

Sand Volleyball and even throwing the frisbee or football around with the kids not only gets your heart rate up, but allows you some great family time too!

Remember to ALWAYS stay positive and to not get upset with yourself if you do fall off the wagon…We all fall down, it’s all about getting back up and learning from our mistakes!

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